Our partners are available to speak at conferences, events, and academic settings in the Denver area and across the country. Please contact us in the form below to inquire about a specific event.
All content we present is educational and directly relevant to business owners. In conference settings, our partners primarily speak on addressing specific challenges leading up to/ during a business transition. In smaller forums or single-day events, we are able to cover a broad overview, and/or facilitate discussions.

Issue Content:
- Perserving Family Relational Harmony through Family Business Transitions
- How does Business Valuation Drive Your Exit Options?
- The Best and the Worst: Structural Tax Planning for Long-Term Success
- Avoiding Equity Pitfalls
- How am I Doing? Where Most Businesses Stand in Planning for the Next Generation
- Business Continuity Agreement Essentials
Overview Content:
- Considering a Transfer to Insiders? You’d be in the Majority.
- When Should I start Thinking About Sale or Exit?
- How Do I Replace Myself? Training and Retaining Next-Generation Leaders.
- What Business Owners are Doing to Protect and Steward a Legacy
2017-2018 Speaking Events
- Prairie Family Business Association Family Business Forum
- C12 Colorado – Exit Planning Lunch
- Northwestern Mutual Advanced Planning Seminar
- Denver Area Chambers of Commerce
- National Business Planning Webcast on Buy/Sell Plans
- Business Enterprise Institute Advisor Study Group
- CE Credits for Colorado CPAs
- National Practice Management Podcast
- Regional cash balance presentations

Please contact us with the form below to inquire about speaking events. References available by request.